Could you imagine digital asset management becoming a strategic enabler of your organization’s success? By bringing strategic clarity to your assets repository you can align internal and external stakeholders with your mission and priorities. Let me explain how.
Asset demand is getting higher by the day, leading to increased stress levels, confusion and tension. This is true, especially where asset flow is inconsistent, overlapped or jammed (as seen in our article about content bottlenecks).
Soon enough, we arrive to the conclusion that it is not anymore about managing digital assets but rather the people that manage the assets. Therefore to be effective, we need to manage the human behavior, and align everybody to stay on target, so valuable assets can flow easily.
Managing human behavior internally or externally is a great challenge. Fortunately Simon Sinek in his book “Start with why” familiarized the golden circle concept, which offers a great solution on how to motivate the right kind of actions. He explains that most companies communicate from the outside in, by sharing WHAT they do and HOW they do it and expect everybody to align their behavior according to this message (for instance to buy or sell their product). But, if we want to convince somebody, we need to inspire them. They need to feel confident that they want our products and services. So we cannot neglect the emotional part of decision making, not even in B2B. Therefore we need to reverse the marketing communication flow, start from the inside, and declare our company’s purpose first. Start with WHY.
We believe that this approach is not only important for successful communication with customers, but also for all efforts that lead to it. The company’s purpose needs to be embedded deeply in its culture and processes. A DAM helps you achieve this, by aligning your assets and workflows with every stakeholder. It can motivate leadership to commit to the resources and give support. It enables partners to contribute information, collaborate in processes. Makes it easy for the users to really use assets and follow up on changes. So how does the DAM fit in the golden circle? WHY is it important for the stakeholders and company? In order to understand it easily, we visualized the parallel between the organizational and DAM perspectives in the image below. We even wrote a couple of examples of internal “slogans” for encouraging DAM usage within a company.

Long story short, it is challenging to build up a strong image on the market. In this journey disciplined communication is key: every employee and external stakeholder should know the right reasons for your messages. As the central source of truth for marketing assets, a DAM system streamlines and manages the content lifecycle — from creation to preservation. It creates workflow efficiencies that help teams expand their productivity in support of larger business goals. Essentially this is WHY we created brahms® for you.