In today’s world, the competition in digital is vicious, so there is huge pressure on marketers and decision-makers. Reaching the KPIs seems to get harder every day, even if there is no limit in the budget. So what could be the root of this?
Here’s a quick story: let’s say you and your competitor want to climb the same mountain. They had the chance to start before dawn when there was almost nobody on the trails. By morning they are well ahead, halfway there. At this point, they have good knowledge of their climbing gear and terrain properties so they can keep a steady pace. On the other hand, you only had the chance to start at around 8 o’clock in the morning, so you not only need to go faster to catch up, but others are out on the tracks as well, so you constantly need to slalom around them. At this point, it is easy to see that the same strategy that worked well for others, may not work for you. It is not enough to simply go faster to catch the competition, you need to be lightning-fast and also smart. For instance, you can hire a sherpa, or you could invest to go with a cable car, or even use a drone to check for shortcuts from the air.
This analogy may seem a bit farfetched, but the main idea is valid in the digital world as well: if you want to catch and pass your competitor’s brand in its digital journey, it is not enough to copy them, you need to use innovative solutions. A digital asset manager, which is born in the cloud, is secure and extremely user-friendly does exactly this. Contact us to find out more, on how can a DAM innovate your digital journey!