According to a general definition an enterprise digital-asset repository manages large collections of rich media, information, and knowledge containers, enabling a wide-range of users to find, retrieve, modify, amend, or direct these assets to another target person or group. “Rich media” in this case means a complex file type that may contain multiple characteristics like color-palette, layouts, typographic design, motion graphics, and large quantities of data.
Traditional enterprise solutions like data warehouses, document management systems or web content managers, tackle all different aspects of digital asset management, however, none of them represents a full-scope digital asset governance solution. Data warehouses manage structured information, document management systems capture and store business records in form of digitized images and documents, and web content managers enable multiple contributors to create, route approve, and publish websites, enterprise portals and eCommerce systems.
Enterprise Digital Asset Management (DAM) repositories represent the final missing piece of an end-to-end solution for multichannel commerce and interactive web-services. Such DAM repositories expand the scope of the legacy enterprise solutions by enabling the systematic reuse of the stored digital content and as such facilitate the expression of a brand across multiple channels. Beyond that, DAM solutions help knowledge workers to obtain answers to their brand-related questions through one platform.
brahms® is built around the above principles and has a lot to offer for any company who is ready to shake up the old (fashioned) ways of expressing the voice of its brands. brahms® can be regarded as the vehicle which finally enables corporations to not only “talk about the walk” of their brands but start “walking the talk”